Pre Assessment

Format options
Delimited textExports results as delimited text file.HTML TableExports results as an HTML table.JSON documentsExports results as JSON documents.XLSXExports results as an Office Open XML file.YAML documentsExports results as YAML documents.
This is the delimiter used in the CSV/TSV file when downloading webform results. Using tabs in the export is the most reliable method for preserving non-latin characters. You may want to change this to another character depending on the program with which you anticipate importing results.
If checked, the generated file's carriage returns will be compatible with Excel and a marker flagging the data as UTF-8 will be added at the beginning.
If checked, the download file extension will be change from .html to .xls.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Used to create unique file names for exported submissions.
Element options
The delimiter used when an element has multiple values.
Header options
Column header format
Choose whether to show the element label or element key in each column header.
Select menu, radio buttons, and checkboxes options
Options single value format
Elements that collect a single option value include select menus, radios, and buttons.
Options multiple values format
Elements that collect multiple option values include multi-select, checkboxes, and toggles.
Options item format
Entity reference options
Entity reference format
The selected columns will be included in the export.
Title Name Date type/Element type
Serial number serial integer
Submission ID sid integer
Submission UUID uuid uuid
Submission URI uri string
Created created created
Completed completed timestamp
Changed changed changed
Is draft in_draft boolean
Current page current_page string
Remote IP address remote_addr string
Submitted by uid entity_reference
Language langcode language
Webform webform_id entity_reference
Submitted to: Entity type entity_type string
Submitted to: Entity ID entity_id string
Locked locked boolean
Sticky sticky boolean
Notes notes string_long
Status status select
Total total number
Name name textfield
E-mail mail email
Gender gender select
City /Town city textfield
Governorate govern select
If you / you are a member of a student organization, please specify the organization student_organizations select
Are you a participant in the Egypt Youth Initiative? young_egypt select
member_other member_other textfield
Education level education select
Where did you know about the course? how_you_know_course select
Name of Facilitator name_of_facilitator textfield
You / you are a student / university student please challenge the college college textfield
education_other education_other textfield
where_course_other where_course_other textfield
random_num random_num textfield
I feel that my views are worth listening to evaluation_1 radios
I feel that I can make a difference in my community through expressing my views freely off and online evaluation_2 radios
I feel I can get the information I need to make decisions/choices affecting my life evaluation_3 radios
I am confident expressing my views off and online evaluation_4 radios
I feel I can express myself using different digital tools evaluation_5 radios
I feel I can protect myself online evaluation_6 radios
I feel I have the ability to communicate with others online and offline evaluation_7 radios
I feel am able to assess synthesize and verify information using different digital media platforms evaluation_8 radios
I feel I am able to think in a critical manner- analyze information, argue and debate online and off line evaluation_9 radios
I feel am aware of digital media platform evaluation_10 radios
I feel I am more aware of my strengths and weaknesses expressing my views on and off line evaluation_11 radios
I am able to take action on issues that matter to me, either myself or together with groups of my peers, offline and/or online evaluation_12 radios
I would like to be a member of an (online or offline) youth network that promotes the rights of children and adolescents evaluation_13 radios
I believe everyone (girls and boys) expressed views are valid evaluation_14 radios
I believe I can influence others about topics important to me evaluation_15 radios
I feel I can provide support to my family/peers through my views evaluation_16 radios
I can influence decision makers in my school/community using digital media platforms evaluation_17 radios
I am able to teach other peers what I have learned about views using digital media evaluation_18 radios
I am able to understand where my rights and responsibilities and boundaries in expressing my views to others evaluation_19 radios
I feel confident in my ability to use online tools to get information to shape my decisions evaluation_20 radios
I feel I can form a strong argument online/offline about issues important to me evaluation_21 radios
Download options
Order submissions by ascending (oldest first) or descending (newest first).
If checked, only starred/flagged submissions will be downloaded. If unchecked, all submissions will downloaded.
Archive options
Select the archive file type for submission file uploads and generated documents.